Can't type "@" symbol


I'm new to this forum, so I hope this is a correct place to post this topic. I've had problems with typing "@" sign with my computer since like last year(copied the symbol for internet for not creating misunderstanding) and I don't know, why couldn't I type it. I haven't changed keyboard language or anything like that. My "@" typing key combination should be Ctrl+Alt+2. I've even tried using different keyboards. I have also tried using different languages, I can type "@" with other languages, but other languages also have weird symbol layouts, so it doesn't work out for me very well.

I'm using Windows 7 Home.

Hope it's enough info for you! Sorry, if I made grammatical mistakes.

What is your current keyboard language?

My current keyboard language is Estonian.

Try Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 2

Oh, well that worked. Thanks for your help and time!

No problem ;) Glad I could help!

Oh, and regards from Lithuania to Estonian brothers ;)

Also regards back from Estonia to Lithuanian brothers!

I just use Shift + 2. Am I missing something here?

Yes, Estonian layout doesn't use shift+2 for "@" sign. Shift+2 writes " " " sümbol.

Ah ok. Thanks.