Cant shrink C: drive. (Solved)

I am trying to create a partition in my 256GB SSD to load Linux. The drive has 168GB free but when I select shrink it only allows me to shrink the drive 667 Mb. Why is this? 

Could be that the data is spread out over the drive so that the partition cannot be shrunk. Running a defragmentation session should help with that.

Actually do not run a defrag on your SSD because bad things will happen. Why are you trying to shrink the drive? That reduces usable space. Make a separate volume using your preferred disk manager.

I am trying to allocate 40gb of my SSD for a Linux install. The only way I know to do this is shrink my C drive by 40GB and create a partition with that. I always use the integrated Disk Manager in Windows for these types of tasks. If you could recommend a piece of software that can handle this task I would defiantly give it a try. 

I use this one but I am sure someone can recommend a better one.

That's a good tip. I like being able to do as much as possible with the tools at hand too. :)

Especially when otherwise good little programs like Easus Partition Manager presents crapware during the installation of in its home version.

And it worked like a charm. Thanks! 

Glad to hear it worked out! :)