I recently built my computer, I have the ASUS Z97-WS motherboard and the Intel I7-4790K. I didn't start overclocking at first, just get a feel for the CPU in games and programs. But I tried the other day, but it wasn't even stable at 4.4Ghz at 1.3V and at lower voltages. Using the NZXT Kraken X61 280mm AIO to cool the I7. I'm not sure what to do, I stressed the CPU with ASUS' realbench program for 24 hours and at stock speeds, and did fine, no blue screens or crashes. Did a 4 hour test on Prime95 and didn't fail. I'm not sure if I really lucked out on this chip or there's another problem I should be looking for like the motherboard or RAM. Just looking for some help on the situation.
1.3v for 4.4 seems pretty crazy to hope for. Something like 1.34v is more common for that kind of OC. Try stuff like 4.2 and see what kind of volts that needs and then progressively move up from there.
1st off don't use prime 95 get aida64 or something similar
2nd what are you using to cool the cpu 1.3+ is liquid cooling or better range on haswell and devils canyon
3rd if you are using adaptive voltage don't set it yourself
well 4.4 GHz should be its stock turbo speed, maybe you still have the turbo enabled?
4.4 at 1.3 volts should be easy. I'm running my i7-4790k at 4.6Ghz at 1.201 volts. Are you using a manual voltage or the offset?