Can't fix Windows 10 - HELP!

Yes, it may just be quicker to back-up all of your data, re-format the drive, and re-install Windows 10 from USB. I would personally re-create the Windows 10 USB installation media in case there is an issue with that. FYI, there is no need to install Windows 7 then upgrade to 10 once 10 is already activated—you can just go straight to 10 by using USB. (You probably are already aware of that, although I'm just trying to cover all bases.)

Sorry I can't offer any more help; it can be difficult enough to fix computer issues, let alone when you are not sat in front of it.

Please let us know how you get. Good luck.

Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool
if that fails you can use:
.NET Framework Setup Verification Tool
or the
.NET Framework Cleanup Tool

also you may want to make sure you have both the x86 and x64 versions of .net framework installed.

thats why I called it a back-up image you won't need to restore it just use 7zip to open it up and grab files from it to make recovery less of a pain. if you decide to reinstall windows and use the same profile name some of the settings for programs in your appdata folder can be ported over. also there's less chance of deleting an important file you may have forgotten about. after all once a file has been deleted from an ssd it' more then likely gone forever.

Ok. After searching around I have read that you can change the format without loosing data. However, your drive cannot have any volumes or partitions. I also read that there are (free) programs that will do it even with the partitions being present (changing all partitions). This is where it gets more technical and I don't fully understand. I did read that you can delete the partitions and change the format w/out loosing data. However, I don't know if it would be safe to delete the partitions I have. Does anyone know about this?
Here's a pic of what I have:

If I can do this, then the Repair or re-install (keeping programs & files) "should" work according to one IT Pro.
Apparently the reinstall of 10 on drives that are not formatted for EFI is something everyone seems to be having issues with.

Thanks for all the help guys!
P.S. thorium233, the suggestions for the .Net Framework didn't work. But thanks anyway.

Just to let you guys know, I decided to wipe the drive and start over from scratch.
Between people giving me bad advice in other forums (not here) and MS being nothing but a pain, I couldn't stand going another week with the mess.

Thank you all for trying to help me!

Actually the quickest solution is installing Linux ;)

But reinstalling is generally the best last resort.