Can't find virt-mananger log files on Debian


I can’t find any of those log files:

  • $HOME/.virtinst/virt-install.log – virt-install tool log file.
  • $HOME/.virt-manager/virt-manager.log – virt-manager tool log file.
  • /var/log/libvirt/qemu/ – Log files for each running virtual machine.

cat ~/.virt-manager/virt-manager.log
I ran it as root and as the user that runs the vm
Both times it did not show anything, except an error that it can’t find the file.

But I use virt-manager.
Anybody knows where they are?

virt-manager --debug
Pointed to this directory:
Which only contained a lot of .py files.

sudo updatedb

locate virt-install.log

should find it.

if that doesnt work

find ~ -name ‘virt-install.log’


find ~ -iname ‘virt-install.log’

the second is in case your filename uses uppercase.

if you still cant find it. then its likely the install didnt work properly.
re-read the install instructions to make sure your not missing a dependency.
then try it again.
if your using a fork, try the main branch release.