Can't figure out what this means openvpn

What does this mean and how to fix it? I don’t know how to set this up and I don’t know how to get virtual box to work to use windows to connect to the vpn I need for work

Please help

cannot load inline certificate file

the .ovpn file you got from your employer probably doesn’t have proper certificates configured.

Do you have a work PC? Try it on that first.

I was told I can’t connect to the wireguard vpn through a work pc “because it wont work.” I connected to it from home and downloaded the files but I guess I didn’t do it right :frowning:

Openvpn or wireguard?

sorry it’s called “watchguard” not wireguard. “watchguard firebox ssl”

Yeah, that looks like some proprietary implementation. I’m not familiar with it.

i know it will work I just didnt setup my files correctly and I dont know how

What files do you have?

It’s complaining about not having certificate data.

Do you have a cert? If so, you need to either reference the cert from the .ovpn file, or you need to import the cert into the ovpn file.


Okay, CA is your cert authority.

Client.crt is your certificate, client.pem is your key.

For some reason your ovpn file is looking for inline certs, but the certs are separate.

I forget how to adjust this off the top of my head.

should i get rid of everything except the client.ovpn in the /etc/openvpn/client ?


what should I put here?

No, you most likely need those certs.

when I look at the client.ovpn file they’re all there inline

ca.crt Or nothing.

okay now it tries for about a minute and then times out

I encountered all kinds of strange behavior when using openvpn from cli. If you try using nm-connection-editor to set an OpenVPN connection (you need NetworkManager and NetworkManager-openvpn packages installed), it may work better. You can after that use

nmcli con up id-of-the-openvpn-connection ## you can find it using nmcli con ##

If its proprietary solution it may not not be compatible with stock VPN. They sometimes add some silly extra pseudo-sec on top of it.

If you just need easy and quick way to access your machine at work, and there’s no weird firewall settings, then just run or install client on your work machine.
Then you just need web browser to connect to it.