Can't boot windows 7:(

So today after coming home from work I went to boot up my computer.  It froze at the windows animation screen, restarted and then would not go to the login screen, there was only a black screen with the cursor.  I restarted again and ran startup repair, let it run through, same thing, just a black screen with the cursor.  It does the same for safe mode as well. Does anyone know what this is or how to fix it?  I'm running Windows 7 home 64bit.  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!

It would sometimes take a while to boot up every now and then. Did you try a system restore?

( While on the black screen after boot) CTRL + ALT + DEL and on Process Tab find EXPLORER.exe and END PROCESS on it - then on Applications Tab - lower right - New Task - type in EXPLORER.exe

If that don't work, Then you can also follow those same steps and instead of killing and restarting EXPLORER.exe. Kill and restart  WINLOGON.exe

A Re-Boot may be needed after doin those steps, Can't remember.

Not sure if this will work for you, I read it when i was searching for a fix when i had a similar problem. I ended up having to do a complete reinstall though.

I tried a restore and that didn't work, also tried the task manager method and nothign came up.  I think I'll end up doing a total reinstall of windows.