Canada not taking the Cable provider's shit anymore

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Canadians can only hope the same thing will happen for internet too... $100/mo for unlimited 250 down 10 up is atrocious

Sweet I'm almost a billionth closer to being proud of my country.

Dear lord that's outrageous

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Yeah it's really bad. It's what I'm paying for here in Toronto

Well best wishes I guess. Maybe they will crack down on that next. And maybe the good ol' US of A can take some lessons.

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Can confirm(I have unlimited 250 down 20 up for 95), but in comparison to every other internet plan in Canada, it's still wonderful. What I hate the most about this is that the only thing I ever end up saying is "well at least its better than (insert any other horribly priced ISP)". To relate it to something much more extreme, its like saying "I'm used to getting f****d in the a**, and now they aren't cramming it in quite as far, this is wonderful!". And then you have other more advanced countries going "Yeah no, your just getting f****d".


I'm in a similar situation myself. I don't even get 1mb/s down but we pay like, 50 a month. But at least it isn't my buddy's ISP. He gets around 1.5 down but if he has any kind of torrenting clients they will shut off his service. They have 2 strikes left haha.

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Wanna compare in a new thread?

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Back to the High School locker room it is!

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That's crazy... I would say use a VPN but with that awful of bandwidth I don't think it could handle it.