Can you run guild wars 2?

I have been trying to run guild wars 2 for more than a month now. acording to the arenanet specs I pass both minimum and recomended hardware. When I play however, I keep it on minimum settimgs and still get less than 20 FPS.

 My rig is on my user page. Drivers have been updated and the game has been uninstalled and reinstalled.


Could be a driver issue? Are they up to date?

yes they are

I am pretty sure i can thanks, although never tested.

with a 1100t and 2 6850's i get anywhere from 40 to 65 fps in guild wars 2


If I were to guess, I'd say your cpu is a bottleneck. I have a 2600k with two 3gb gtx 580s in Sli and I was getting between 45 and 60 fps with everything maxed out at 1920x1200 

I have a 1090T with a 6950 2GB and I get around 40-60 fps.

I just tested with everything max I get a solid 60FPS with vsync.

thanks! :)