I chose WAV 3 times and 320kbps MP3 3 times.
Saw this on Vsauce, Got 2 wav and a mix of both mp3's. Also would be interesting to know what you listened with. For me it was my ATH-M50's.
Exactly where I saw it as well.
AKG K702s through an ODAC/amp.
I think a couple of them might have been flukes on my part. A few of the tracks sounded all the same to me.
You got 2 out of 6 correct!
Despite its bad rap, the MP3 is actually a remarkable feat of engineering, and pretty good at filtering out mostly the sounds you can’t hear. Depending on the quality of your headphones, you might be able to distinguish between the two MP3s, but you’re unlikely to do better without an amplifier or a digital audio converter.
Doh - I'm using 990 pros... My ears must not be good. They all sound the same to me.
they all sound different but it's definitely difficult to tell. I even have a sound card and decent headphones, i shall report back with my results soon.
Would be easier to tell if the music was more complex. lol
results are in, got 4/6 correct. Was able to spot the cold play one in half a second because of the instrument overlap, compression really makes no difference on music with few intricacies.