Can you copy-paste HTML to a new domain?

If I make a site on Wix or some other site making tool, would it render correctly if I copied the HTML and put it on my own server?

Thanks in advance.

I'm not familiar with Wix, but it should. You can always try copying the code into a text document, saving it as a .html file and then opening it in your browser to check to see if any formatting changed.

The only question would be whether or not the site builder is creating CSS files that you dont have access to or something. Do you know if the code is using in-line style arguments for all formatting, or does it use CSS?

depends on how the code is written. As far as the HTML is concerned it should work as long as the refrences like links and images are referenced like "< img src="bees.gif">"if they are refrenced like "< img src="">" then you have a problem if you move to a new domain like because then the old path is not valid. (unless the old site still exists) Things get more complicated when other scrips are involved. you would also want to make sure that the directory structure is the same on the new site too. like if you currently have a subfolder "images" on the root folder you want it to be in the same location on the new site so that relative link refrences maintain integrity.

file structure examample - images - images


great point about absolute vs. relative paths for the links

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