Can we still mine for TekSyndicate?

I've been trying to get it working all day but I never get any shares when connected to the TS mining pool.

I really don't know.... you should....

The bitcoin page doesn't say you can't mine any more.

It's been a while since I've seen someone mining on the TS pool.

Right before it dropped off, we were having some issues where the server wasn't accepting the new worker requests, and as it has been over 3 months since we have last modified the script, the API may also be bugged, showing inaccurate data.

Seems to be working, but maybe because I have an old worker. If nothing else, mine for yourself and send us something through the tipjar address at the end of the page.


I just got an ASICMINER Block Erupter and I've been testing it out with BTC Guild, it seems to be working fine. I'll try and set it up with the TS pool now.