Can we get together and get a BF3 server rolling?

Hi people!

I've been trying to enjoy BF3 for MONTHS, without any success, every attemp has been futile.

Each time I try to play the game, I end up rage-quitting. I am dead sick of dead servers, admin abuse, shameless hackers, fast vehicule respawn which breaks the flow of the game entirely, sabotage (aka "if I can't have the attack chopper for MYSELF, no one will! *blows it up with rpg*), no communication, etc. (I could go on for ever.)

You might say "yeah but it's EA man" I know... I dislike EA in every way, but I support DICE and I want to enjoy the game, And I won't spend the money to get BF4 anytime soon, especially if I KNOW that I won't enjoy it for all the reasons mentionned above.

So I was thinking that would be cool to get a bunch of tek syndicate community's battlefield3 players together, and try to figure something out, maybe renting a server, or if somebody owns one or whatever, and play the game like it's supposed to be, with a good ambiance, without being constantly insulted by 12 years old for not having every single unlock in the game.

I'm waiting for your response. have a good one.


i would but my internet is well, bad

still better than playing like an asshole.

I have 1000+ hours on BF3. I'd play if we could put together a server.

i have a workstation laptop and i have hosed servers on it befor it is bad like bf4 bad. but if someone would pay for a enterprise port for me (not asking)

can you host your own BF3 server? I thought you had to rent it.

Alright people, I looked it up a bit and it doesn't sounds THAT expensive to rent a bf3 server for PC, I'm probably gonna end up renting one from my own pocket, depends if I get a job soon, not making any promise.

Now guys, If you want a Tek Syndicate community BF3 server, the best thing you can do is to tell people and give me feedback, so I can know how many slots I should pick, and what region.

I believe in this community, I want to give back to it, I want to have fun with you guys and I want you guys to have fun too. So let's make it happen!

(sorry if my english is bad today, it seems off to me right now.)