Can two 770's in SLI run these monitors?

Two of the monitors would be the 1440p X-Star Korean monitors and the third one would be the LG34UM95 ultrawide 3440x1440p monitor. Question is, would I be able to drive them all and play games on the LG34UM95 with my 770's?

You should be fine so long as you don't try to game on all 3 monitors at anything but low resolution.

Sounds great, thanks.

Ok so you can drive 2 monitors at native res off one card using the dual-link dvi and displayport, and the other with the other cards displayport. BUT, do not expect to be able to game on them at native res. The 770's are just not strong enough to do it, and do not have the v-ram required to game on them. For that many pixels, you really need sli Titan's or 8gb 290x's. You'd be pushing 48% more pixels then 4k. That requires insane amounts of vram and horsepower to play at medium to high-ish settings. There is no way the 2gb's on a 770 are going to work out. At 4k the 2gb's is problematic, let alone a 48% bump in pixels.

Unless sniping is talking about downscaling your resolution which is kind of dumb on a triple monitor setup, he's wrong and ignore what he just said. I ran the math, there is not physical way a pair of 770's can play games on that monitor setup.

Thatsa lotta pixels.
Drive all - yes - web, office & general use.
Gaming on the single wide screen & the 2 xstars turned off - yeah should be fine for most things - although if they're 2gb cards this is will be the kick in the pants.
Gaming on all 3 - not much... Just too many pixels, way too little vram and not enough gpu grunt. Indie games and older titles maybe.
You'll need a lot more than 770's for mid-high quality gaming on all 3 screens. Maybe see how the 390x's perform on release and get a pair of them, or there's overpriced Titans. Come this time next year there maybe more options with dx12.

You misunderstood, I'm only going to game on the LG34UM95. I know I can't game on all three with the current graphic cards I have. It would be nice if could though.......sigh...

I would worry about the vram still on one monitor.

Really? I thought 770's sli would be enough to run 3440x1440p at mid settings

The graphics power itself isn't the problem, it's that the vram will hold it back from doing well. 2gb's is not good enough for a lot of high resolution textures.

All this badass 1440p and im just sitting here on 4097x768 :L

You mean 4098x768? That's what three 1366x768 monitors would be anyway. ;P
Do you have 17 241x768 monitors all in portrait or something?

stick with at least AMD 6970 or higher at least they have 4gb VRAM to drive 4k or triple monitor setup.

I might go with some dual 980's or a single Titian X. I've read dual 980's outperform the Titan by some 30% if i remember correctly.

@thecaveman If he is using SLI 770s and just gaming on the middle 3440x1440 monitor he should be able to run it just fine at 50-60 fps. He might run into some small problems with the framebuffer like you said, but if he keeps the settings realistic, (i.e doesn't use huge textures or tons of AA) then he should be ok; especially if he overclocks them. Now, if he wants to use all three as a surround set up then he will definitely need to run either minimal graphics and no AA or down sample his settings. Either option is not really that good. If he already has the two 770s, he should stick with them unless he finds the problems to be too much; then he can upgrade to a 980 or 970 SLI or 8gb 290x.

My final recommendation is try it with the SLI 770s and if you don't like the reduced settings then upgrade your graphics card.

I'll try it out with both of my oc 770's, they should be able to run GTA V on mid'ish settings.