Can someone give me some more details on this?

A friend sent me this link: and told me to read the 5th reply, which states that some Reddit staff have been being payed off by the government and corporations to censor users' posts. Can someone give me some details on this? I'm having trouble finding any myself.

from the little i know about reddit i'd be more worried about people being assholes who censor people because they have a differing opinion than people being paid off

i didn’t read the whole thread... too whiny

But somebody is claiming that reddit has bots auto-filtering keywords.

Well ? anybody got a reddit account and time to open threads about those topics, to test those claims ?

Also before dooming reddit for being evil government shills & censoring the users. Keep in mind that they have to create delete-bots to contain Astroturfing and Spam or else the platform becomes unusable.  Spamer & astroturfer like to use hot-button-topics for their digital-littering, so there's bound to be some false positives.