edit So thanks to all your (and others) feedback, I am now looking at something like http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/bwxFrH
So I posted on here yesterday and you people gave me lots of great advice and ideas to look into.
Thank you everyone
edit So thanks to all your (and others) feedback, I am now looking at something like http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/bwxFrH
So I posted on here yesterday and you people gave me lots of great advice and ideas to look into.
Thank you everyone
Wait, are you using pounds or dollars?
http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-video-card-r9280gaming3g - r9 280.
That board isnt all that great - very old, weak for a FX chip. Was decent enough 4 years ago not anymore.
What is your maximum budget?
@Zavarrr I'm using gbp, I typed in usd because I presume most people will be in the us due to the time :D
@deejeta £150 max which is about $200 I guess
I'm in the UK. Might be turning into an insomniac haha
I agree with going for the 280. It's a great overclocker.
£150 budget for the motherboard?
Ah my bad, it's late aha
I want to keep the total budget under £400
Honestly, the cheapest motherboard I'd be happy with if it was my system would be this http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/gigabyte-motherboard-ga970aud3p
The only problem is that it's £30 more, which will put you over budget. It would mean that you could upgrade to an 8 core later on and not worry about stressing the VRMs too much while overlocking.
Cheers, so you both recommend spending a little more on the gpu and board ?
£30 more on the board is fine, the future proofing makes it worthwhile for me.
One other question I had. If I made the exact same build with a super cheap, talking like £10 graphics card, would it be ok for browsing and such ? I ask this because I'm relying on selling some music gear and also shifting some store credit I have to fund this pc. But If I could get by I could go out and put this together by next week minus the gpu, which would be great for me, then I could take my time selling and saving and spend a bit more on the card.
Yeah, that'll be just fine for browsing.
You dont have a Harddrive listed in any of these builds do you allready have one?
If i was spending £400 (without hdd) http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/TTDCkL
I even color coordinated for you red and black.
Cheers mate, I have tonnes of drives lying about.
Looks good, although colour coordination doesn't bother me at all, maybe if I had one of those snazzy see through cases and a gpu with the lights on :D
Well you know a extra £20 will get you a nicer case with a window xD
But this is the N200 case listed in the list its probably the best £30 micro case around at the moment.
Nice. I think I'd rather spend the £20 on something else though personally :P Plus I seem to have a thing for white cases !
I've been looking into this all week and am now looking at building this http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/bwxFrH
Thata a good cpu+mobo set up but the case only comes with one fan you may what to buy some extra fans for airflow and a cpu cooling unit the stock 6300 cpu unit is very inefficient and loud under load (sounds like a hover)
Cheers mate, I think it comes with 2, at least it did on the 2 reviews I looked up.
I will definatly look into cpu coolers though, probably a few month down the line when I have some spare cash, or maybe sooner if it really does sound that loud ! :D
nice built i have the same built well lower end gpu but same cpu i love it so far it allows me to run a ftb server and client at the same time
It's funny the general consensus here seems to be positive with some slight tweaks and improvements suggested, yet on another place I've asked for advice they vast majority say amd must be killed with fire and I should feel bad about using one and get an i3 instead ! That or magic up double my budget and get an i5 with dual titans xD
I tend to trust you guys more :D