Can not make up my mind

Ok I need some help please.

I will be building a gaming rig hopefully by the end of the week.

I build my son a new PC and I am happy with what I have done there ( only I cant have him with a better rig than me with a i5 3570k with 6870)

However I have a real problem, I can't make up my mind on some parts.

Now my budget is going to be around $1500- 1600 (Australian) and the parts I can't make my mind up on are the CPU and the VGA.

Can somebody please give me a gentle push in the right direction on the parts that I have been considering.

Which are as follows.

CPU = FX 8350, i5 3570k, i7 3770k

VGA = 7870, 7950, 7970, 680

In regards to the VGA I am happy to go with what will get me thru until the end of the year and then upgrade if some new cards come out.

This PC will be primary for gaming however will do other stuff like watching movies and creating documents.

Thanking anybody for suggestions in advance

A FX8350 combined with a 7950 is a real good setup and will handle most games without a problem. And it's a bit cheaper than the Intel option.

well personally i would be going for the 680 and either of the cpus. 

with multithreaded games expected to be released it might be a good investment in getting the 8350 

I love how you want to beat your sons build, even though you built it. Well I mean if you want to beat him, go with either the i7 3770K or 8350 with a 7970 Ghz edition. But if you want to save as much money as possible with the best performance, The 8350 with 7870xt will do wonders. The 7870xt is basically a 7950 in most performance areas.

I got a 8350 and a 7970. Not sure if you could beat the value for the money on that. Even a 7950 would do you well if you want to save some money. But if you buy a 7970 buy a non OC version. you spend almost an extra 80$ for the Ghz edition when you can easily OC it to or past the Ghz for way less money