Can my system run gta 5?

here's specs


is my cpu okay, if not should I overclock? I am using hyper 212 evo.

It can for sure run it at Low "Normal" settings(at 1080p, 60FPS), however you can raise some of the settings to High even though it will cause dips in your framerate, and your RAM will be mostly filled(then it fills the pagefile which slows things down). Your CPU will be fine(an OC will help, just don't overload your mobo).

You should be easily be able to do over 30 FPS at relatively high settings. 60 FPS will require a drop down to pretty medium settings. You can do a light OC and you should be fine.

@ <=1080p then sure it will run just fine. Certainly not with all the eye candy at the max but play around with the settings and Im sure you'll have an enjoyable experience.
If you were to oc anything then give the gpu a bit of a tickle. +100mhz on the core would be a start.
I wouldnt really risk any cpu overclocking on that motherboard to be perfectly honest.

Your CPU is fine... The gpu is the thing, holding the games back... For this day and age this is really really weak gpu... This is basically R7 260X with lower power consumption...
Don't worry about the CPU... Overclock the hell out of your GPU...
However, if you tweak your settings you will be able to run it fairly decently on medium, may be high but without many of the post processing extras...

You should be fine

I wouldn't say that the 750ti and the r7 260x are equal. In a recent LLT video, they did a "but can it run crysis" test and the r7 260x did significantly better than the 750ti. It was like 33fps vs 8fps. I don't remember the exact numbers.

It's just the usual one game does better on amd, other on Nvidia...
Generally speaking the performance difference between 750Ti and 260X is around 2-3%...
Still, I consider 750Ti mindblowingly weak gpu... Here I am with my 270X talking about 750Ti being weak... Man, I'm a hypocrite...

It did worse in both older titles that they tested. Witcher 2 and crysis 1.

They are definitely not equal now. Maybe it has something to do with nvidia nerfing it. Not sure.

True, but then again one of my friends is running GTA5 on an i5-2500 and MSI 550Ti. He had to lower the resolution to 1366x768 to keep it under the card's 1GB VRAM limit, but it's running 30-40fps with ease.
We do plan on getting a 960 or 770, but for now the 550 is doing fine. The graphics are still better than the PS3 version.

Why don't just get 380 and be done with it, or you prefer the green team?
I know it's not that weak... If I had 750Ti I probably wouldn't notice a difference for the games I am playing...

Isn't it like 80% of PC enthusiasts are on the green team? I forgot..

My gtx 970 is amazing, and I won't be upgrading any time soon. And I'm sure my recently acquired r9 390x is great too, i just haven't opened it yet.

Own both and be happy.

Why does that matter? You see people with 550Ti and they count as green team... All laptops count as green team... That blows the numbers high for them... But that doesn't matter really. My point was, that 380 is similarly priced to 960 but generally performs better.

Well, I'm considering getting a 390 so I can do KVM passthrough, in which case he'd get one of my 770s. He prefers Nvidia, so the other option would be a 960.

Me personally I don't care. The 770s were my first Nvidia cards and I'm pretty pleased with them. I have always been happy with my ATI cards as well.

If you aren't looking to get 80 FPS and can live with 45 FPS at somewhere around medium yeah you should be fine. I would personally get 4 more gigs of ram though :P