CPU: AMD Sempron 2500+ 1.76Ghz (1 core)
GPU: ATI Radeon 9200 SE 128mb DirectX 8.1
RAM: 1Gb DDR1 RAM (200-300mhz?)
Motherboard: ASrock k7s 41 gx
IGP: Mirage Graphics 64mb
Power Supply: MS Platinum 400 watts
Thanks, love you all, mucho respecto AMD fans!!!!!
Trolling, surely?
Edit: Yeah, just seen some of your other posts from tonight.
No trolling, i need my 1 core to render the gun, and the other 2 GPU's to render the rest.
I think it can be donez!!
Actually, i might put a richard in my PC, and watch it knock out the 3960x :D

In the fucking house baby!!