Can I upgrade?

It is pretty simple i have a old computer that has a phenom x II 1035 in it. I wanted to know if that processor would bottle neck a 970 alot? i want to change this computer for gaming. I already know i need to change the PSU. It already has 8 gig of ram wich is fine. I want to do this on a budjet so the big question is can i keep the mother board and this CPU to power a modern GPU.

It might not handle a bit, but it rather won't bottleneck the GPU, which is impossible (long story). I don't know what GPU you have atm, but I think that your CPU should be more toward the end of your what to buy list. You might want to wait till some new, much better CPUs come out. Till then, you can buy an FX8*** if you really want.

It has a ATI radeon HD 5750 1024mb. SO yeah a 970 or a 290 would be i BIG upgrade i think. IT already has 8g of ram wich is nice. I need to change the PSU if i upgrade my geaphic card. The only thing im worried is my mother board, does any mother board support any graphic cards?

Yes, definitely - GPU first.
What's your current PSU?
It will support any graphics card, motherboards have one and same interface since something like 10 years ;)
By the way - what's your mobo?

Not too much, and then when you get a new cpu you have a gpu ready to go with it. In modern games that use more threads the amd x6 phenom ll still hold up well especially if you can overclock it.

My psu is a no brand name it is not even stated on it what it can put out. So i need a new one. i read 600W would be enouf this is correct?

And what is a mobo? soory im a new guy here.

O soory for double post i never overcloacked anything but i will try since i read the xII is easily overcloackble. One other question wich is more software the hardware in the futur i will want to buy a SSD is there a way to put the current windows 7 that is in a hard drive into a new SSD? And is there an easy way to put back the hard drive to 0 for now? like make it new without deleting windows?

You should change it ASAP! 500W should be enough. And please, don't overclock with this PSU.
I would suggest this: PSU --> GPU --> SSD --> whatever else --> CPU
MOBO = MOtherBOard

I dont have it powered on at the moment its FULL of dust i need to clean everything first. My motherboard is not stated on the box it looks pretty standard it has no usb 3 port however put it has alot of usb 2. I think i need to power on the pc to look at what the mother board is

First of all, please, clean you PC, dust can make it die. The model will be on the mobo itself, usually somewhere near the main PCI-E slot.

Yes i will i need to go buy compres air from the depo store right?

yes, but you can just blow and use toilet paper for now if it's really bad.

O it is but i can't really make all the dust go in my home and i probably need to wait 2 more week to go outside and do it canadian wheather is kind of harsh right now. And yea it is really bad there is dust everywhere. In the case and al over the fans even in the heatsink of the CPU i want to do a really big job of cleaning is it is going to be my new base for my PC. I already know everything works inside sicne my friend powered it on in front of me and played WOW at medium setting at 35 fps but it was hot in there really quick so i stopped him. One more question I don't know if you are aware of the stock CPU cooler back in the day but from the ones i looked at right now its a little bit different it's a little bit bigger and there is a big yellow metal base to the cooler i was just wondering if when everything is cleaned up overcloack with this cooler.

DO NOT overclock with the stock cooler. It's fine in terms of stock performance and silence though.

Oh... so i absolutely need a custom cooler to overclock? In that case i think it might be better to buy a custom cooler the i change the CPU no need to dumb money on this old one

Coolers are something that "lives" for many years and they are universal. If you buy one now, you surely can use it if you buy a new CPU in a year or two ;)

I can also vouch for the awesomeness of the phenom II processors. They truly were the last great AMD processors, and I happily used my phenom II quad core, then switched to Intel when faildozer was introduced.

I'll go ahead and re-iterate what's been said. Don't bother upgrading the processor.

What motherboard do you have? I don't believe that's been mentioned, yet.

Can you post a picture of what the PC looks like, and the internals?

What are your exact specs - mb model, psu make/model, case etc.
Overall budget for upgrade???
970's run on a hot farts worth of power so you may be able to get away without a psu purchase provided it is a decent oem design unit with a good 12v rail.
I'd be more inclined to grab a cheap 290 once the 3xx series is released. Then save up & buy the cheapest i5 + mb combo you can find, re-use your ram and sell your current cpu+mb combo.

well the phenom will bottleneck a highend gpu like a 290 as crazy.
Its not realy worth it on that cpu.

I would realy advice to same a bit more money if you can, and do a bigger cpu + mobo and GPU upgrade at the same time.
Offcourse you can upgrade the gpu, but you will most likely get a bit dissapointed by the lack of gpu utilization, especialy on 1080p.

GPU will always be utilised, it's possible to play on top settings by just disabling few settings that require CPU. Trust me, I was playing on GTX660 with Core 2 Duo for a year.