Can I rip old pc games in linux?

Found my old toy story 2 pc game disk when I came home for spring break. My gaming pc is at my dorm at college so all I have is my linux laptop, and since its a 15 year old game I figure its got a good chance of working in wine.  I'd like to rip the iso from the cd and just run it from that but I don't know how. Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction?

It is rated as garbage on WinehQ but a an xp VM should run that game just fine you could try running it on wine scone it hasn't been updated in a long time.

Well crap.  I'll try to track down an xp vm then. Still any tips on ripping it lol ?

Depending on the distro you have you could find the soft ware you are looking for in the GUI package manager. I would still try it in wine to see if it works.

depending on where your cdrom device is (usually /dev/cdrom), you can do a cp /dev/cdrom ~/cd.iso and then to mount it you use mount -o loop ~/cd.iso /mnt (you might need to be root) 

If you want to do it from GUI, there are programs to rip the CD (Don't know any since cp is easy). To mount it, Nautilus has a right click option (Not sure if it's still there with GNOME deciding they know more than the user)

The test on winehq is from 2010 things have changed significantly for wine since then, so give it another shot and if it works update the appdb