Can I make the volume on Windows higher?

I’m super picky about my sound so I was wondering if there was a way to make the sound on W10 higher. I already maxed out everything but when I listen to music it’s just not enough. A few days ago I was messing with the enhancements and it was just high enough for my taste, but now it doesn’t seem to be enough. I tried to change the options a little bit but no luck so far. My mobo is a Gigabyte x370 K7.

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i piped (ran a hard wire) mine to my 250W stereo system . it is then loud enough.

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buy a DAC

Schitt makes excellent DACs.

I’m not sure why max vollume on either headphones or speakers could possibly not be enough.

Maybe your speakers or headset suck or are turned down??

Or maybe you’re going deaf…

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I have the Audio Technica m50x. And after the millions of settings I changed the sound was loud enough for me. Although it sounded a bit different obviously.

I know lmao

IIRC the Gaming K7 and 5 have an option in the UEFI to set the DAC according to the impedence of the conencted headphones. Supposedly it auto-detects it, but you could try setting it yourself.
The DAC on those boards is supposed to drive up to 600 Ohm headphones, which should be plenty for a 38 Ohm headphone …
according to the manual the amp only works on the line-out jack, so make sure you didn’t accidently put it in the wrong one, it happens :slight_smile:

On my 990FXA-UD3 it always blows my ears out when music is at max level, and it doesn’t even have a proper amp… so yeah, it should be enough.

Amp, not DAC.

A DAC’s purpose is to concert digital to analog, they’re typically not designed to drive headphones directly. An amp is designed to power headphones.

most external DACs worth buying also have a decent line level or preamp built in, too.

The benefit is twofold in most cases, better quality signal and more powerful.

But yes, if we’re being pedantic, an amplifier is strictly what would solve the problem

That’s weird. I have the Gaming 5 (same onboard sound) and M40x but I have to turn the volume down when I use the headphones (usually start at ~18 watching YT and then go up to 60 when I listen to some music - that being the Windows 10 values for volume). Depends on the files, though. Some are louder than others.
You could install Sound Blaster X-Fi MB5 which include some software features.I do not use it anymore as it was just too many settings to handle for me.

Do you have the cable connected properly? I noticed that mine would sometimes have some connection issues (headphone side, even while locked). Cleaning the plug and connecting it again solved it. The sound was definitely quieter before.

Yeah I have that one. I made the sound louder with that, but the sound was a bit distorted. Now it seems quieter. I also checked the motherboard manual to see where to plug my headphones and everything. Although I think I’m having some PSU problems at the moment so maybe this will have to wait for a bit.