Can anyone help me take £200+ off this build while keeping it almost as powerful?


I would like to keep the soundcard and the MoBo (or put just another 8 + 1 power phase). The use of this will be gaming, coding, video/picture editing and any schoolwork.

What are your planned upgrades?

PSU is overkill. Sabertooth isn't necessary. I'd place the fx6300 on a 970 chipset.

Those are the first things I would change, if your chosen upgrade paths allow for it.

I'm thinking quite far ahead, AMD 9570 CPU, dual GPU's. I chose the Sabretooth for stablity (8 + 1 power phase).

Might have to sacrifice the soundcard. Just add that at a later time.

No, I want to keep it. Thanks anyway.

Cannot be done if you want that sound card and MOBO, you will have trouble shaving £50 off. 

I'd also consider shopping around for a deal on a 7950 rather than the 760 if its for gaming. 

I use the onboard sound on my sabertooth, its fine... I say ditch the sound card as well (at least for now, buy later if you still need it)

As long as you dont overclock you could probably save another $30 by using the stock cooler.

steal most of thoes parts. bOOM

How's this? I had to switch out the GPU to go with an AMD 7950. I was able to shave about $180 off the price.

I wouldn't ever spend more on my mobo than on my CPU

You simply wont need a sound card for the uses you want it to do. 2133MHz RAM is overkill, the board doesnt even support it (unless you do a pretty big OC), 1 large SSD is a bit pointless, would be better off with one SSD for boot and a larger storage HDD. 

Would be the sorta thing id do, can change the board around and the CPU but i wouldnt waste 160 on a soundcard when you wouldnt do anything to warrant it.

Obvious Troll is Obvious.

Due to necromancy.