So I am sitting at work, doing what all good workers do… screwing around on the internet, randomly clicked an article for a local news website, and I noticed something that I found interesting. Before you bother reading any further some disclaimers:
I know very little about even the basics of coding… Just happened across this and thought it was nifty. It’s probably neither new or interesting to most of you, and my ignorance of the subject is most certainly showing.
I did try to find some information on this, perhaps I don’t know the correct terms to search etc, but I came up with nothing salient. If there is info elsewhere that you find at the drop of a hat, please go ahead and post + shame me for it, I probably deserve that.
Please excuse if this isn’t the correct place for this topic, once again, to my green eyes this seems like a web dev topic, though maybe it belongs somewhere else.
Anyways on to the story. I clicked this fabulously named article Do you recognize these suspected Riverside snake thieves? to see if they had somehow found a picture of me obviously, and not to my surprise, I found a paywall… unheard of I know… so like a good snake thief would, I am not going to pay more for my news articles than I am for my reptiles… I decided to get rid of the pesky image blocking my entertainment. Underneath the window I found some blur. OK no problem… lets just get rid of the blur. Somehow I managed this and again I was greeted with something I definitely hadn’t seen before… the characters seemed to be hashed, scrambled whatever, and somewhat poorly in my estimation.
So smart folks, I looked around in the scripts n stuff for quite a while, googled my due diligence, and still didn’t come up with anything, I’m sure it’s staring me right in the face, but if someone has some time on their hands and is willing to take a look, I would very much appreciate some knowledge to be dropped on me.
-Actually not a snake thief
p.s. Sorry about all the unnecessary text, I’m really bored -.-
edit: in case its important: chrome+adblock plus
edit2: I think this is the sneaky file: sneaky file
why I think this: random .removeclass = blur and other sneaky stuff in here -.-