Hi! I'm looking for a new ultrabook, but finds that too many of the nice 13" ultrabooks out there only have 4 GB of RAM installed and it is soldered in place. I know that it would be very dangerous, and of cource void the warranty, but would it be possible for a reasonable handy and technical person (like me) to unsolder this memory and then upgrade it to something more appealing, like 8 or 16 gig? :P
(I'm mainly thining of the Samsung Series 9. Even their soon comming flag ship Ativ Book 9 Plus have only 4 soldered gigs! :( )
I would never give money to a computer manufacturer that even dares to f*** their customers over and solder something as simple as RAM sticks to the motherboard.
If they can do that, be sure they can make sure you won't upgrade your memory.