I was wondering if a 660TI 2GB can run dual moniters not for gaming but to help work flow. I need CUDA for adobe programs for school and personal projects.
I was wondering if a 660TI 2GB can run dual moniters not for gaming but to help work flow. I need CUDA for adobe programs for school and personal projects.
66o ti can run a duel moniter enviroment in gaming quite easily, so not gaming with them should be easy maybe even overkill, so you could save your oney for some awesomely fast RAM that will effect your desktop experience much more.
Yeah, awesomely fast RAM would be niceeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Like the thetb0 said, get fast RAM then get the 660 Ti, or the 650 Ti Boost :D
I bought some corsair vengeance, I have 4x4GB. So that should be enough lol. Also would it be able to run games on high, I plan to start doing some PC gaming I don't need to run games on ultra but can it run them on high and medium.
yes, it will run games on high.
and one other thing what's the difference between the FX 8320 and FX 8350. I know I won't overclock the CPU but what's the difference?
i would go with the 670 its 100 more but it is worth it and if you use pcpartpicker.com you can find components a lot cheaper
I remember about a week ago, I saw a PNY GTX 670 for $299...
Wait for the deals and get a GTX 670.
There's some nice deals on Radeon 7800 and 7900 series too, so keep an eye out.