This is to gather contact info on different news organizations, not individuals. If individuals information is listed here I will make sure you are reported. If I list individuals information, ban me.
I’m getting more and more angry that people blindly listen to what is now just propaganda networks. I doubt anyone else will start doing this, bvut I am going to post emails and phone numbers in this post to push back on STUPID propaganda companiers.
They don’t hardl;y share news anymore, hell the local news wants to tell you theres shooters outside and you should just buy more shit on amazon.
Well I’m fucking tired of it and I am going to do something about it.
I mean I’m not just sitting here like a facebook addict. But I’m going to keep track of this over time, starting with sky.
As well, if I send a message to an address, I am literally asking them “Why are you just spreading propaganda?” and hitting send.
If this gets someone else to go “Oh hey theres some of the companies I wanted to ask something like this” to go and annoy them, an email right in their inbox says more than just a message on twitter that they can label as a bot.
No one does this, and things don’t change. I don’t think the grandma from summer wars was a made up character, and that character did the same shit. Common sense overwrites common decency.
If you want a cultural change, push for one. All these bullshit voting systems don’t do shit and the governments don’t listen to bullshit on twitter. You have to literally talk to people, like me and you are right now.
I think the insane thing is that no one else is doing this and everyone just lays down and takes it.
Propoganda trolls are everywhere, they could be better used hooked up to the back of a farm tractor because they are all very good at spreading $#!t.
News media is worthless because its too politically biased and cannot be trusted.
Yellow journalism is highly profitable if it influences the stock prices by motivating knee-jerk reactions of the public( consumers)
Panic buying causes shortages and suppliers take advantage by raising prices.
So much of the public is partially responsible because of their own quick and often illogical decisions.
As far as calling them out,
The best way is to provide facts and publish them.
Then call them out on their stupidity
Negative PR with proof does wonders!
Just a reminder to everyone that we have rules against doxing. While phone numbers and email addresses might not be the most personal information, please refrain from linking and sharing personal email addresses or phone numbers that belong to individuals. We do not want our users to bombard individual media or news employees with phone calls and messages.
I think it’d rather be worth it developing something like a browser extension that warns you if a certain website has a history of being a platform for misinformation/propaganda. A yellow/red box above the website’s header signifying that or a popup box over a corner on the website would be pretty great.
I don’t think emailing most of them would do anything as propaganda is often fuelled by money and there is no incentive for them to stop based on what a random citizen says.
I think I can help with that, here is some pseudo code to get us started:
var base_url = window.location.origin;
var newsOrgs = ["", "", ""]
if (base_url.indexOF(newsOrgs)) {
function popTheRedBox() {
//TODO: implement the red yellow/box
That kind of thing is exactly what gives those people an internet high. They’ll probably screenshot and publish saying things like “lmao I made this ${member_of_a_group_I_dont_like} mad” even if you have nothing to do with those groups.
Take a break from cesspools like Facebook. They are harvesting people’s lives while they scream at each other. Its a huge waste of time and energy.
This and youtube are the only “cesspools” I regularly interact with.
I could care less if someone tries to call me a nazi or a liberal. Human effort is human effort.
How about instead of trying to convince me to not do this, why don’t you ask yourselves why you don’t want others doing this, and then come back and talk with me.
I could care less about shareholders. If its down to shareholders owning parts of company then the conclusion of this entire excercise has already been met.
The news isn’t the news at all and no one should watch it.
Which is smart because the thing people don’t realize about corporate law is they have a LAWFUL duty to their shareholders. As in they can be sued doing anything other than providing the best profits to their shareholders. There are some limitations on this but it doesn’t really help.
So when people get angry at a news “company” its best to realize sometimes they have no choice but to put forth those stories for profits, clicks etc.
Thats why independent news and independent investigational journalism is so important to support. Legit not being poor and supporting those individuals by paying into subscriptions is important. It helps them succeed against conglomerate media companies who are bound and accountable only to their shareholders not to good journalism
There’s a legitimately unhealthy amount of anxiety and screeching going on in this thread, seriously power off the electronics and get away from the internet for a couple days for your own sake.
Hate to break the news here, but nobody is going to start a crusade against the mainstream media by posting their public contacts here in a niche corner of the internet to the like few dozen regulars here. I guarantee these companies have a team dedicated to just filtering through this crap, it’s literally their business. Sorry guys but this is the kind of thread where people show up because Wendell told them to check out the forums on YouTube, and go ‘wow’ then turn around and leave.
Realize that being manipulated by those above us is part of the humanity. Not participating is a way to win and you have to let others be manipulated because they want it and you have to respect their autonomy. Only family and closest of friends matter. You can certainly try to sway them away from propaganda but eventually have to respect their own opinions and decisions.
Realize that manipulating those below us is part of the human experience. The only way to win is to remove opponents and make it hard for those that remain to manipulate others.