Cad Modeling VM Server?

Anyone know if its possible to make a virutal server of a few windows os sharing a Radeon Pro W5500? Since video cards are so crazy priced I want to just have cad users remote in and use the same machine sharing a video card?

Proxmox probably?

The Radeon Pro W5500 doesn’t support virtualization, so you can only use it for 1 VM at a time.

Do the quadro cards?

Depends. Some do, some don’t. But on top of the GPU you would need a Grid license which isn’t cheap.

Probably just be better for seperate cards for each vm or just build actual workstations then

I would say so. While there are ways to share GPUs that don’t support virtualization, none of them are what I would call “production ready”.

what about remote application viewer for linux? So if my desktop is running linux running cad program to share that to what ever computer I am on, Just the application? Anyone see anything like that?