Well, it would appear that these cable companies are finally getting the message. Cablevision has announced that it will be offering HBO Now to customers with its Optimum Internet service. A cable TV subscription will NOT be required.
You can read the full story here: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/cablevision-hbo-now,news-20652.html
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think other cable companies such as Comcast or TWC will follow suit? Will this mark the beginning of the end of bundling nonsense?
Personally, I'm still rather cynical. Something feels "off" about this sudden change of heart. These sorts of companies have repeatedly demonstrated how they truly feel about their customers. They lie, cheat, steal and will ultimately do anything to stick their dirty, greedy paws deep into our pockets. I don't see them going down that easy, at least not without a fight.