Cable Routing

I'm in the middle of building a pc and I need some help with cable routing I know the easy things like the 24 pin connector for the motherboard but my graphics card needs and 8 pin plus and 6 pin now i found a cable thats 6 + 2 pin labelled pci-e so I used that for the 8 pin slot but I couldn't find any other labelled that??? what do I do for the other 6 pin there are other 6 pin connectors but there not labelled pci-e can I use any 6 pin connector? Also what do I use for the CPU Power is it just any 8 pin connector cause nothing is labelled besides the pci-e please help?

If it fits, it works. 

fair enough!

Refer to your PSU manual for what cable is what.

The PCI-e 8pins are incompatible with the CPU 8pin EPS. As they have different wiring.

If you do not have a 6 pin PCI-e there might of been a molex to 6pin adapter with your GPU.

Right, forgot about the 8-pins being incompatible between the graphics card and the 8 pin CPU power socket.

Ok i'll go check the box and that wont effect the performance or anything like that will it? AH yes there seems to be a double molex to 6 pin power connecter btw is this the one for the cpu: 8 pin eps12v power Connector

or is it the 4/8 pin atx12v/eps12v power connector

You have 1 x 6+2pin PCI-E Power and one 1 x 6pin PCI-E Power you need both of these pluged in to the video card.

You allso have 1 x 4+4pin thats for the cpu power.

hello... again ok then Yes i know i had the 6+2 pin cause it's labbeled but which one is the 6 pin pci-e cause its not labelled pci-e like the other 

You need these 2 

A 6pin pcie ---> 

alright thanks you... Not sure why the labelled one and not the other but ok lol why are you so helpful!