Cable Matters DP80 DisplayPort Cables

KVM Model:

1.4 Display Port KVM Switch - Dual Monitor - Four Computer

USB Interface (5-gigabit or 10-gigbit):



Need advice for DisplayPort Cables

Other Notes:

I am interested to know whether anyone has tried the Cable Matters DisplayPort 2.1 DP80 Cables?

I know FIBBR and Club-3D are the brands that are recommended. I wanted to look at fibre options, however, I have been having trouble finding shorter distance fibre-based cables that can be delivered locally. So I’ve been looking at whether I can find a reasonable copper based solution and came across some Cable Matters ones. Has anyone used the Cable Matters DP80 rated ones? Or know if Wendell has tested these?

I understand for copper, shorter distances are better along with the quality of the copper which is why I am curious about the Cable Matters ones.

They are one of the few options listed as Certified (On the DisplayPort Website) along with a few Club-3D Ones (I didn’t see any FIBBR ones listed as certified).

I like the fact Cable Matters have a 1m and 1.5m cable option as together this might be the perfect length (distance wise with the KVM in the middle).

I do understand that at 2.5m 80Gbit probably won’t be possible (at least not certified), but thinking it might allow 54Gbit given Cable Matters have another 3m 54Gbit cable?

The other alternative could be Club-3D as they look to have a 1.2m and 1.6m cable which would be slightly longer at 2.8m total.

So interested to know whether anyone has tested or tried the Cable Matters cables, I would hope they are good quality if they are certified? Or would you still recommend to look at the Club-3D ones and are these distances okay to run 4K/240Hz with DSC?

Thank you!

Hmm i have not tried these, but if you do, please report back to us. You might ask @wendell to get some for us to test with our cable tester. I can link the report here vs club3d if he’s interested in checking it out

Cable Matters are my go to brand, always Certified and worth the few £/$ extra…

Thanks for the update, do you run the l1tech KVM in your setup, what does your configuration look like?

My Workstation has 3xBenQ PD3205U 31.5” 4K Monitor which have their own KVM. My experience with DP 1.4 is that most cables are fine until you need longer than the stock 1.2M/4ft. You will generally need longer cables for 2 Monitors in a 3 Monitor config, this is where I found Cable Matters which are VESA Certified over 1.2M, They work well and use them on all my monitors but are generally more expensive.

Thanks for the update, Happy New Year!

Do you mean your monitors have a built in KVM? Or are you using a l1techs KVM?

I’m running into problems with an older Acer monitor which does not like the KVM in between, our other HP lower-end monitor runs fine.

I bought DP 1.4 FIBBR brand copper cables 1m + 2m, I can run the 1m and 2m cables from computer to the monitor directly all day no problem, yet I have tried to use the KVM with both a 1m + 1m and 2m + 1m and it doesn’t like it. Or works for a short period before losing signal.

I know the monitor is old, might be time for replacement but I also know cable quality has been raised multiple times so not sure if I should try different cables before I look at monitor replacement options.

The Acer XB270HU runs fine at 2560x1440 144Hz fine without the KVM.

Yes looks like this, I have my work Laptop and workstation connected plus Mouse Keyboard & Headset, switches seamlessly. but i guess you are controlling all monitors with one KVM I have 1 per monitor :frowning: The central Monitor assigns the Mouse etc. only advantage is I can view my workstation on one monitor for my personal emails whilst working on the other 2 monitors :slight_smile: