C Language standards and references where to find?

I actually have wsl. Honestly I just like books. My biggest problem with linux and coding is I don’t have anything to do or solve with it yet. I just find the subject matter and attempting to learn to be quite enjoyable within some annoying level of reason.

I’ve come to this thread, 19 posts in, and no-one has mentioned cppreference.com! It’s very good for C, especially if what version supports what feature is important. It reads a lot like a standards document.

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Some good references there.

This is a trap :grin:

Programming is a skill and a craft. You don’t get better at carpentry by reading about carpentry, you get better by doing it. Same thing with drawing stuff, same thing with writing, same thing with every other skill.

If you are lacking a good starter project, I do recommend low level programming with Arduino and/or a Raspberry Pi. Make an LED array blink in pretty colors with a breadboard for instance. It’s not particularly hard to do so, but will provide valuable knowledge about things like GPIO registers.

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Hmm if you like books then youll like courses. I like the courses that focus more on doing than lecture hence why ive listed the three below

So heres what I would suggest you look at

Two good beginner audit courses are

UC-Boulder:Colorado System:: Algorithms, Data Collection, and Starting to Code

Learn-LANG.org course materials
GitHub - ronreiter/interactive-tutorials: Interactive Tutorials

After that MIT open courseware. Find Performance Engineering of Software Systems. Youll find this course a challenge but you will understand optimization and cose issues a lot better afterwards

My language progreasion for reference

Languages learned because I wanted to:

Learned via dragged in kicking and screaming fuck this language and the people that praise it:

You read my mind right there. I had noticed that problem especially with how kind of boring some of the exercises are rather than actually having it do something. So I picked up one of those Arduino box sets with all kinds of little projects in it.

I’ve seen some coding styles recommend using iso646 (which is part of standard C) for that, e.g. :

#include <iso646.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
	if ((1 xor 0) and (0xff bitand 1)) {
		printf("iso646 magic\n");
	return 0;

Why its literally an aesthetic difference

Because at the level I am working at, it gets kinda difficult to read things like:

if (a & MASKA && b & MASKB)
    return true;

Not impossible, but compared to:

if (a & MASKA and b & MASKB)
    return true;

I think I prefer the bottom option. It IS a personal preference though, like you say.

Yeah well im of the mindset… The less english the better. Both seen equally readable to me

Is that a language thing? This is going to sound dumb but as a native English speaker I have never thought about coding in other languages.

No. Its a math thing

Ah ok. I get you. I always enjoyed maths. One day I will discipline myself enough to learn advanced calculus

Sounds like you want to replace the for keyword to Σ too :grin:

Σ(n=0; n<10; n++)
