C++ help, no idea what I am doing

Alright, I have a benchmark that I was able to take home from school to finish at home and give to the teacher the next day where everyone starts testing it to see if it works almost perfectly. What I am supposed to be doing is looking at this flowchart and writing code off of what I am given and try to get the result that is given on another sheet of paper.

I might sound like an idiot, and also considering I am new to C++, but I ABSOLUTELY no idea what I am supposed to write down just by looking at the flowchart and what I am given. So far I haven't been able to get much help, this is the only place left that I know I can get help and considering this is a big part of my grade, I feel like I am having an anxiety attack. I'm getting off topic though, I think it might have something to do with a loop, but I am not so sure. I took a couple of pictures of the flowchart and what I am supposed to be getting below, I hope it's readable, I had to use my phone camera.




It looks like each box of the flowchart corresponds to one line of code? For example, the first few boxes:

1. int i;

2. i = 0;

3. if (i < height) {

4. int j = 0;


In the end it looks like it's supposed to print out that 2d map thing. Does that help at all? Is there any specific bits you're unsure of?

I've done something similar in Java.  If you need help, I highly recommend stackoverflow or google as alternatives as well.

If you read from "start" and follow the arrows, it spells out pretty explicitly what you are supposed to do. You know how to read a flowchart, right?

Upon entering main, you declare and initialize a few variables. Then you enter a nested for loop that uses some modulus tests to determine which character should be drawn and then prints that character. The outer loop just prints a newline every time the inner loop completes. When the outer loop runs out, the program returns from main.

I have to agree

How did you go, man. All ok?