Bypass Apple ID

By brother found a gold iphone 5s, but later found out it had Apple ID and asked me if I could try to get rid of the Apple ID. My question is, are there ways of bypassing Apple ID? Could I bypass it through some software on windows, or by replacing the motherboard/logic board thats inside the iphone 5s with some motherboard/logic board I buy from ebay, or some other ways? 


You basically can't, from my experience. Try to contact the seller and get the login info maybe.

So your brother found a gold iPhone 5S. Well, you see you can't really do anything about the Apple ID. That's is the main reason why the owner of that phone had the Apple ID security thing the first place so that just in case he or she lost the phone the person who found it won't be able to use the phone. Also if I'm not wrong there are apps that can take picture of the lost phones surroundings and take the GPS location and sends it back to the owner. 

So I'd suggest you to do the right thing and look for the owner of the phone and return it. You can start by posting leaflets around the place where your brother found it. I bet the owner would be happy if he gets back his or her phone.

So yea

yeah, my friend not to long ago got an iPad that someone threw away because the screen cracked, and it had the stupid apple ID thing on it. He tried to format it to get it to go away, and of course it didn't work, so he brought it to me and told me to quote "hack it or something". There was nothing I could do with it. I couldn't even see the email of the original owner because it was formatted. So a perfectly good iPad (with a few cracks in one corner of the screen) is now a paper weight.

So not even replacing the motherboard/storage would get rid of the apple id?

I hope someone answers this last question... 

Well replacing the logic board would do, but that's essentially just replacing the phone anyway.

Despite the fact that I do not like the way you said "found" try dropping the phone into recovery mode and connecting it to itunes.

I had luck restoring phones that forgot the password back in the day by putting them into DFU mode

To get the iDevice into DFU mode just plug in the USB cable (which should be plugged into the computer you are going to preform the restore on) then turn off the device,

Once it is off and plugged in hold down the Power/Lock button for 3 seconds or so (you can count in your head) Keep holding the power button then hold down the home button as well.

You should be holding down both buttons for 10 seconds.

After 10 seconds keep holding the home button but release the power button for another 5-10 seconds.

By then you should have a black screen and have heard the USB  connect sound on your computer (if you have windows)

The device should be ready to restore to factory. Open up iTunes then it will inform you that your device is in Recovery Mode. Just click Restore/Update and it should start downloading the firmware and then install after that.

That is what I used to do, I have never tried it on a device with an Apple ID or whatever the security feature that you were talking about but hopefully it works!