Buying: Xbox 360 Wired Controller(s)

I am looking to purchase 2 xbox 360 controllers. On ebay I can get a refurb one (which I am perfectly ok with) for around 25 bucks. I was looking at maybe getting a better deal here, since xbox one came out and I am sure some of you have some left over controllers.

Thanks! PM me on Tek S.

If you have a wireless PS3 controller by any chance I could trade you one for a wired xbox controller. I just need something wireless for my laptop to play N64 emulator while on the road.

I never owned any consoles, which is probably why I don't have any xbox controllers. Sorry about that, I would if I had one.

better deal for price, 
Incase you prefer xbox thumbsticks-

Don't know if those links were meant for me or not, but I am just looking for xbox 360 controllers.

I assumed you were going to use the xbox controllers on pc, so i linked other PC compatable playstation style controllers, and some other logitech stuff.

I assumed you were going to use the xbox controllers on pc, so i linked other PC compatable playstation style controllers, and some other logitech stuff.

I am, but only interested in xbox 360. Thanks though.

You could wait for xbox one controller support for pc, seeing as they can be wireless or wired with a mini usb cable.You can check sites like newegg, tiger direct, amazon, etc for stuff

Eh, probably. Will have to see where support heads.