Buying old ASIC Miners for F@H and BOINC?

I’m honestly really annoyed about cryptocurrecncy, even if I think it couild be useful in the future when normal bills are a pain in the dick to keep.

On craigslist right now theres multiple old miners ranging from 700-7000 dollars. My area is full of these fuckers. So… Could I plop them on F@H or BOINC? Is that possible? Could I do other things with them? Or are they only greed machines?

The AS in ASIC stands for “Application Specific”. These devices were designed to compute hashes and nothing else.

Unless you’re trying to crack passwords they are useless.


You’d actually have more luck buying used IBM ppc64 systems (AS400), install Ubuntu on them and then use them for BOINC or F@H.