Buying a Beyerdynamic Dt 880 Premium

I want to buy the Dt880 600ohm version, but i don't want to pay more than $300, and so after some looking around, i was able to find them for $250, on the canadian ncix site... Does anybody know if these are the same exact pair that can be found on amazon, and any other places to find these headphones for such low prices?

Well on amazon only if you are ok with them being used 

Or Open box a little cost more than the used one on amazon  

always prefer to buy new when it comes to components that i want to use for a long time, otherwise, stuff like optical drives, and other not so important stuff like that are more than ok with being used. But those are still much more expensive, the canadian ncix, with the international shipping come out to be about $250, and they are brand new.

Yeah looks that way. Go get while you can from NCIX ca I'm looking at other site that sell them brand new and not really finding any that are really near the price without some sort of coupon code or special promotion that already expired ages ago. Sorry I wasn't really much help.

I know you've asked for the exact pair, but these are the 250 Ohms:

I don't recommend buying the 600 ohm version of those cans, the sound quality is only marginally better then the 250 ohm version, but they require significantly more powerful amplification. 

hmm cool website Missxu, first time seeing it. Might look into that and if shipping seems to be a bit more expensive, or the NCIX canada store doesn't quite sell what i'm looking for, i might settle for your solution

I picked up on pair on Amazon and the second pair I got for $100 off on Ebay... brand new. Check ebay: DT 880 Premium on ebay

Massdrop has them in any impedance for 240. 4 days left to purchase

Wait, you got the premiums 880s on Ebay for $100? Shit. I feel like I overpaid now. I got the 250 ohm 880 pros in January for right around $200. I really should have shopped around some more.

He said $100 off...

I was thinking to get the DT 880 Premium 600Ohm version too, is there any other reason why i shouldn't get them, 'cause i could get any of them at same price? Im also planning to buy the O2+ODAC combo, and i think that's enough to power the 600Ohm version too(?). I don't plan to use them anywhere else, than on my PC, so i doesn't need to be portable and compatible with things. Will that be the best of 'em then?

Haha, that's still a really freakin good deal. In fact:

Buy it now for $230. That's over $100 off the normal price and only $30-40 more than a pair of 880 Pro 250-ohms. You'll need a beefy amp for them though. According to the seller, the box was opened to inspect the contents, but other than that they're unused.