I saw that you can buy private VPN recommended by Tek and I was wondering what are the benefits to using something like this? Why would I want to use something like this? It's very affordable and I would be more interested in it if someone could ELi5 (explain like i'm 5). Thanks!
I found no flaw in their description of the service. I've been using it myself for about a month and except that the current version of the VPN client software seems to have problems installing on a normal Windows 8 system, it has been working fine.
I tried it for a couple of months when my family was switching to comcast (so I rushed to get a VPN but since we have stopped using comcast)
During peak hours it absolutely did improve speed on sites like youtube and netflix with comcast. Even not during peak hours. With ATT it wasn't as noticeable as I guess ATT does less throttling, but it certainly did help during peak hours as well. For games it did add around 20~30 extra ms of latency which in my opinion was still manageable but of course you can always turn it off before playing.
My biggest gripe with it was that not uncommonly, when auto-connecting to PIA, it would sometimes send me to a UK server even though I am in the midwest USA..This lowered my speed to about ~20% and latency went up a lot. Sometimes I would notice it when playing a game and I would have to disconnect to change VPN server.