Bully Scholarship edition


Anyone who had played Rockstar, Bully scholarship edition, just wanted to know how good game play & graphics are on PC version, and please rate the game out of total of 10 with your comments.

Regards RTW,


It's not that great of a game...

actually, i hated it.


its ok graphics arnt improved much but overal the game is ok

uber suckage

Well of course, I'm sure a game like this wasn't spent enough time on to put it to true 1080p Res on Console, but for sure it would look better on PC.

In any case, I've never been a fan of many Rockstar games, the only one I can honestly say I've had a bit of fun with was the table tennis game, but as far as GTA and Bully goes, seems like more of ehh... People with IQ lower than a sack of potatoes. But in any case, I do like GTA 3, And before that, they seemed a little more you know, "Classic" mob family, with "respectful business tactics" and it added to that. Now lets compare 3 to San Andreas. Yeah, you've already seen my point.

In any case, for the sake of not babbling on like a dumbfuck who just got a shiny nickel for Christmas, Bully would look better on the PC, but IMO it's a shitty game so....

Shitty game with shitty gameplay is still a shitty game on PC.

interesting comments guys, i love its soundtracks, i loved the game on PS2, i am thinking to get it on PC!, looks like i am the only one who loved the game, i am scared, you guys wanna kill me XD?

Nah PC gamers don't kill people that like different games. We only kill people that say Gaylo is the best game ever made.

This game sucked i always got 0wn3d in it pitty, really could of been fun



try to kill me bitches i sleep with a machete under my pillow

seriously i do though my mom bought it for me in costa rica

bad ass huh

that game ... if you really want to play it dont pay for it illegally download

it sucks waste of time