Building The Ultimate Devops Workstation Part 1: NVMe RAID | Level One Techs

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Thats what we are talking about :slight_smile:

I am glad you decided to pursue this series! I remember the last video you did on DevOps-ey stuff and it was 10/10.

Really excited to see the rest of the series. I’m curious to know if you’re going to dive into the workflows you spoke about earlier: Vagrant/Virtualbox, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, unit testing, integration testing, etc.?

I am considering a very similar development machine (sans RAID 0 NVME). I use all of the tools you mentioned plus a few more and minus one or two :wink: Wanting to see performance first hand before I spend the cash. Of course, all things considered, I’ll probably make it rain regardless :scream:

When you offload the testing/building to containers, are you hosting the container tech in a virtual machine or are you running it locally?

The series is literally just performance :smiley:

What do you think I should show next?

The last vid in the series is booting from zfs and being able to roll back the whole fs :smiley:

Mainly I just like the speed of docker-compose and ansible. I haven’t found a good way to demo a kubernetes workflow that spins up containers for doing integration tests though.

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The idea of an Ansible and Docker-Compose speed run sounds awesome lol. I am looking forward to your ZFS boot, snapshot, and roll back episode as well.

Maybe load test the pods and see how the auto-scaling and health checks perform :thinking: Also provisioning more worker nodes with a script or configuration management tool would be awesome.

Incrementing work loads on the existing compute nodes would probably be the best way! Stress/load testing and then maybe running all of your unit and integration tests.

Maybe write a Bash or Terraform script to perform a full migration from your existing development box to the new one? :wink: That is something I plan on doing when I build the new box.

I have a particular workload in mind that could fairly easily be run as a benchmark, outlined in the quoted post.

I was really looking forward to seeing parts 2,3, & 4, but, I don’t see them on the channel. I was expecting to see at least parts 2 and 3 by now.

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So what happened was some folks reached out about trim being broken. It was. But now it’s fixed. Yay firmware :-/

Well I should say there are work arounds. Always get sucked in to helping people. Trying to reshoot this week haha


Also looking forward to parts 2, 3 and 4.