Building/Restoring Arcade Machines

(Be warned: First post on forums)
As you may be able to guess from the title i am interested in building and restoring arcade machines.

I know I’m not the only one who as a kid would always stare at the machine when the service panel was left open, and from a young age i realised arcade machines were just computers.

As for now i am in my later teen years and i am looking into building some machines, and i was curious if anybody has built/restored an arcade machine, and if they have any tips/tricks for someone looking into Arcade machines.

(Also, is the Razer Atrox a viable solution for an Arcade Machine?)

I started to build my self a table top mame machine last year. Always wanted my own arcade machine and after my friend built himself one i had to give it a try.  Had lots of parts lying around not being used so i thought i would do something with them. 

I would not recommend the Razer Atrox as you really want to place the buttons to your own specification on your system. For what these cost you will be able to buy all you need for 2 sets of buttons and sticks

You can buy your own buttons and sticks for relatively low cost from a store like You will also need a controller board for them. Some thing like this would be perfect. There are lots of deals on ebay for stuff like this

You could also like i did, use an old PS2 keyboard and hack it in to a controller board. Does save you a little but takes time.

Had loads of fun doing my build, its running and playing games but still needs a lot of work.