Okay after looking around alot, and not with the best knowledge of everything iv finally put together this, for under $1500.
I dont really know all that much about PC hardware i just know what is needed to build a "working" pc.. :/
i choose intel because.. well mainly cause every pc/ laptop iv had, had an intel processor. why change
honestly have no idea which one i should get...
iv used corsair before had no problems, why change. and 16GBs seems to be the norm nowadays.
Heard good things about crucial SSD's and WD HDD
just wanting a powerful GPU that'll deliver if im in 1080 or 1440
wanted something low key, no flashy LED's and not some cheap POS (since ill be looking at/ touching it everyday)
feel like 650W should do the trick.? dont want to go cheap on powersupply and "f" things up
for PC hardware, i feel like im looking good. honestly would like to stay with Intel. Iv never overclocked but it might be something im willing to try. maybe. if i get into ill probably grab a liquid cooler
Im still looking around for monitors, the wide screens caught my eye (2560x1080, 21:9) just not completely sure how they perform while gaming heavily.
i would like monitor thats 27"+ with 120Hz+ im able to spend 300... maybe 350
Any and all advice, tips, or what out is extremely helpful. i really want to get this build going i should want to get 100% bang for my buck.