Building my first pc; also i´m a hardnewb

hardnewb = my new word for hardware newbie ( i hope people will use it :D )

Also english is not my main language, its spanish, so please don´t be mad with me if i got some sentences wrong.

Ok i m a hardware newb i just starting watching like a ton of videos to know whats what, the reason behind it is because i want to build a computer, my first time.

The uses i want it to give it are gaming ( mmorpg, fps, rts ) , doing like gaming videos, possibly streaming and overclocking ( just starting to learn how to do it :D.

This is the setup that i created

CPU - AMD FX-8350 AM3+








MONITOR - One i could do 1920x1080

Ok i want it know if it is a nice setup for my uses, i also have like huge doubts:

FX-8350 or I5 3570K

HD7870 oc or GTX660 oc

The PSU will cover everything? or do i need to get a 700w?


There are like tons of TONS of videos saying hey FX-8350 is better, hey I5 3570K and they all have benchmarks to support their choice and i m like really confuse.

Ty for your time guys


First post yay


The i5 usually beats the 8350, but the 8350 isn't the difference between playable and not. However, the 8350 is more future-proof, being that the AM3+ socket will continue to be implemented by AMD. Also, recent games, such as Far Cry 3 and Crysis 3 (both use the Cry Engine 3) perform very similarly on both CPU's because they utilize the 8350's more cores. 

Unless you plan on using CUDA or the advanced PhysX that Nvidia has to offer, the 7870 is more powerful for the money. 

600 watts will power that system comfortably, but you won't have tons of headroom. ie you won't be able to add another 7870 (if you want) in the future without upgrading the PSU.

The problem with budget is that i live in Peru so the parts that get here from USA are like 15 - 60 dolars mor expensive.

But my budget to spend here in Peru would be like around 1300 dolars or 1400

Miskonius, Normally your build would be pretty good. But as the OP stated, he is from Peru. 

The build should be limited to $1000 just to be safe.

I guess the taxes in his country are bigger, but I do not believe they are bigger than 10%.than in US

He should have some general idea based on my build, of course it would have been much easier if had posted the web site from where he attends to purchase

Hi, ty all for the replies.

Here are the prices i m getting ( this are the lowest they get around here, i visit like 15 webs that sells computer hardware here in peru )

CPU - AMD FX-8350 AM3+    $245

MOTHERBOARD - ASUS M5A97 EVO R2.0 AM3+     $125




CASE - NZXT TEMPEST 410 elite $100



i know these things get overpriced and really expensive here, also my job doesnt make any better to cover this stuff lol.

so i upgrade my harddrive space to 1TB and my PSU to 700w

i have other questions if i may ask them here in this topic would be great

What does make a motherboard good? i heard from a few review that ASUS M5A97 EVO R2.0 AM3+ is good for OC and i really want to OC my fx-8350 to at least 4.6 and let it there i also plan to use all the 6 fans slots in my case ( the 3 at the top output and the 3 at the bottom input ).

Also is that PSU good? its the same as a gold rated? well idk much about that gold rated bronze and stuff in PSU... can someone explain a little bit about that, it have to do about that 85% energy efficient? whats that :(

Also i dont plan to do watercooling because this is like the first computer i m building and i m really afraid of screw it... so no in a close future ( maybe in 6 months or so, when i read about enough ). Is watercooling necessary to OC? or 6 coolers plus COOLERMASTER HYPER 212 EVO would do the job?


Also sorry i something wrong i suck at writting in english, i totally understand you all but i really suck at expressing my self in this language ( feel free to correct me )

Also ty all for taking the time to aswering my questions

i have the M5A97 evo r2.0 myself.

why its better for oc like the most cheap asrock boards..

its cause the most cheap 970 boards have 4+2 power phase.

and the asus m5a97 evo has 6+2  power phase.

so thats makes it more powerfull and stable for a overclocking. i will say 4.6 ghz is realy no problem on this particular board.

for cooling a good airflow in the case is recomended,  you can go for a liquid cooler setup from coolermaster saidon, or you just take a  good air cooler,  the cm hyper 212 evo is a good cooler, i personaly prefer the  CM V6 GT.

7870 card is a good card, but if you can afford it, its worth to go for a 7950. if youre a very high detailed gamer.

and let i make  user Toast happy at this forum a 7870XT is a better card? :p



Lima, Peru ( southamerica ). that card gets to 410 dollars in some stores, i found one that is at 320 fortunally

btw i wont do liquid cooling, i saw some videos and its like meh that stuff is simple! but idk i m a little scare about that so just airflowing now :D

Sorry about double post.

whats 6+2  power phase.?

haha dont be scared most cases come with 3 fans,  1 or 2 front air intakes one back exaust, some have eaven a topfan included, that realy is enough.


its a bit difficult to explain for me cause im not english, but  a mainboard with a 4+2 power phase, has 4 phases  +2  to power a cpu. its mostley a cheap 970 boards (reason why they cheap)

The asus has 6+2 power phase, thats makes it has 6 phases +2 to power the cpu.

How more power phases you have, how more stable the power to the cpu will be.

And thats is very inportant wenn it comes to overclocking.

Theorethicly the vrms  of a 6+2 power phase have more phases  to power up the cpu.(the vrms can spread the currunt over more phases, that makes it that the current over each phase is lower)

So that makes it more stable, and the vrms have lighter job to power the cpu.cause  with more phases, is not running that hot, cause of lower currents spread over more phases.

At 4+2 phases power have more duty job, cause they have to put more power over less  phases.

So that makes them runn more hotter.

And wenn you overclock it probably will get unstable, or they just burn cause of more power over less phases makes  higher current on the phases

somebody correct  me if im theorethicly wrong :P

i hope you get a bit clear what i mean, its  difficult somethimes to translate technical details.


8320 with decent cooler > 8350 with stock cooler or less decent cooler

the 8320 will be cheaper and still just as good OC'd 

id get into Power Phase design and VRM quality but im tired and probably wouldnt make sense, but in short More Phases can mean more capability, but it depends on certain specifics like the VRM's capability/quality.

it deffanetly make sense.

how more phases you have availeble to transport the current on, how lower the current will be over each phase. lower current is lower that makes it easier for a vrm to transport the current to a cpu over more phases. 

wenn you have less phases, there will be going more current trough each phase, more current trough each phase will make more heat, so the vrms have more problems to put the current trough  the less phases. more heat is more loose, more loose, is more instability. visa versa more loosing needs more capicitors, to correct it.. and so on!

Grtz Angel ☻