Building my first PC (600-800 bucks)

Hey guys,

as you might guess from the title, I'm:

a. new to all this PC-Building-stuff and

b. am from europe.

so please bear with me because I could really need your help here. ( also I'm no native speaker)

I've been browsing through diffrent sources like youtube and hardware sites to inform myself a little bit, what works and what doesn't. Since I'm new to this I've no deeper understanding of overclocking and all the cool stuff you can do with pcs. All I basicly want is capable gaming-pc on a budget of 600 to 700 Euro.I don't plan to use double gpus or to overclock but if there is the option for the future, when I might be better with this, that would be cool.

So without further whining around, here is the build I have come up with.

CPU: AMD FX 8320 or 8320e or 8350 (the price is closely the same, at the moment I prefer the 8320 because of the powerconsumtion, heat-output and the fact that I don't care about massiv fps)

CPU-Cooler: Do I need one? Not so sure, since I don't plan to overclock.

MB: Biostar TA970 AMD970 S0.AM3+ (should be able to crossfire and has 2x PCIe 2.0)

RAM: 8GB G.Skill Ares DDR3-1600 DIMM CL9 Dual Kit

GPU: HIS Radeon R9 280 IceQ X2 OC Aktiv

Storeage: 1000 GB Seagate Desktop HDD

Disk-Drive: Samsung blabla... I know this part isn't crucial

Case: Cooltek Antiphon Airflow Midi Tower ( I could get a cheaper case but the gpu and psu are supposed to be noisy when under a lot of stress)

PSU: 530 Watt Xilence Performance A Series

The whole build is somewhere close to 600 Euro. Do you think it will be a working stable device or do I have to change up a few components? Is a cooler for the cpu necessary?

I know Intel and Nvidia might be better choices but I want some bang for bug :-). My goal would be playing Witcher 3 somewhere between 30 and 60 fps with high detail. I don't necessarily need 1080p or Ultra-Detail, if it would be only 720p I could live with it.


Well I hope you can help me. Have nice week and feel no rush to answer since I won't start building the pc until april. Though some answers would be nice :-).

Hey, welcome to the party! Building a PC is a massive amount of fun, and there's always something new to learn, so don't worry if it's new to you at first.

Here are some thoughts on the build; don't get a Seagate hard drive, get a WD, a Hitachi, anything but a Seagate. They are the most unreliable major brand. You probably don't need a custom cooler if you aren't going to overclock but there's really no reason to NOT overclock. With AMD Overdrive installed, it will literally take you 30 seconds to overclock your 8320 to 4.4GHZ, and it will literally run completely stable for years, most likely with the default voltage. Overclocking is no longer a mysterious and arcane science reserved for a few techno-wizards. You literally go into a GUI panel, flip a switch, and you're getting way better performance with only a *slight* long term reduction in the average lifecycle of the part, and inconsequential increase in energy usage.


Personally, I think Asus boards are the best. This is my opinion; they're usually a bit more expensive but well worth it. And I also would recommend the Sapphire branded 280x. Once again, personal opinion, but they make the reference cards for AMD, so they can be trusted to make a sturdy product. The 280x should be the sweetspot for the Witcher 3, so I say, go for it.

here is a pcpartpicker

this will be cheaper so go on thier and make your own and ill see and help with you

All my lol

I would not recommend this.

Puh... just asked somewhere else... and I got stomped with intel. intel. intel. Would it be really that much better? Considering I would be able to spend 800 bucks? The recommendations went to i5 4460 or 4430.

The i5 4690k was also an option but honestly that little bastard is way to expansive over here. 285 Euro. That's to much at least for me.

Yes I wan't to build a gaming pc, but I just can't justify more than 800 bucks. I also gotta get a monitor and a keyboard... so that ads up.


well it depends on the games you play, and how you play them. And abit on the GPU.

But its basicly true, a i5 even a locked one, will be a better allrounder in gaming, then a FX8350. especialy cpu bound games like MMO´s, RPG´s, RTS. and such kind of games at 1080p.

The FX8350 is definitely not a bad choice it still performs very well in allot of games especialy with a midrange gpu. But its not a secret that a haswell i5 is a better allrounder for a higher end gpu. it has simply faster faster cores. on which allot of cpu bound games especialy on 1080p will still benefit from.

But there are also games that are heavy gpu bound like Tombraider, in those games there wont be much of a diffrence between intel and amd at all. Because the GPU will be the limited factor in those games.

In my honnest opinnion, if you are building a new gaming system right now, and you can afford an haswell i5 with a nice gpu like a Sapphire 290 TriX OC, then in my opinnion i dont realy see a reason to invest in a 3 year old AM3+ platform. But offcourse thats my personal opinnion.

I´m from Europe aswell by the way, but why is the 4690K so expensive over there?

well that's only on . I just went on amazon and there it is 235 €. So that might be more afforedable for me. But then again I would probably get an i5 4460 (175) + an mb for the same price.

And to have the overclocking-option the motherboard would also be more expansive.

Would it be worth it to spend the round about 100 Euro more to get a 4690k + a decent mb? An if yes, which one would you suggest?


well if you are not realy interessted in overclocking, then its basicly not realy worth it to invest in a unlocked i5-4690k + Z97 board. But offcourse its allways fun to play arround with it.

If you wanne go a bit cheaper, you could basicly also go with a 4670 / 4690 all those locked cpu´s with a cheaper H97 boards. to save some cash on the motherboard. and cooling. those cpu´s have a turbo speed upto 3.8Ghz or something, which is still plenty for maxing out every highend gpu on 1080p and 1440p no problem at all.

You could also check:


I have trown a list together on a Dutch site called tweakers, i assume the prices will not be very diffrent with Germany.

Unfortunatly slightly over budget but yeah.

If you like to spend a littlebit extra and you want the option for overclocking, then you could concider something like a 4690K + Asus Z97 Pro gamer board.

GPU if you can afford: