thats my $800 gaming pc build. it is my first pc build so just checking if there will be any problems or bottlenecking and any advice would be great. thanks
thats my $800 gaming pc build. it is my first pc build so just checking if there will be any problems or bottlenecking and any advice would be great. thanks
The build you put together is completely fine.
Although, I feel you should find a way to get Windows 8 for free, whether it's from pirating it or getting a copy from someone you know. You'll save some money and have room for more. :P Also if you wanna overclock, definitely get an aftermarket cooler
What about an optical drive?
do you know of any good torrent links? , becaus the os's on utorrent are usually bad
I think it is a lot easyer just to buy it you dont need to worry about viruses and windows updates. Thats just my opinion and nice selection of parts that is the same build I would have reccomeded any ways.
oh i have some in old computer i can grab them off of
oh alright thanks haha
Thanks :)