Building an editing pc (help)

On of the staff a my school asked me if I could build an editing rig for her husband, I managed to find some decent parts and everything came to £1200 (quad core i7 3820, asrock motherboard with all the bells and whistles) the thing if I havent the foggiest what would be good for an editing system (other than what ive heard). I wont be building this for months yet, so I thought maybe some 0of you guys had better experience with this. Oh and to top it off they want me to install mac...............................

Can you put together some build specs for a:

£800-900 editing rig

£1000 editing rig

£1200 editing rig

Thankyou for your time!

ps: how the bloody hell do I turn it into a hackintosh.

You really don't want to try to build a hackintosh, as there is hardly any driver support but for a scant few components. In the case of building an editing rig, it really does depend on what preferences they hold for components and for software, as certain software producers will optimize for different components, like how Adobe has optimized very well for the CUDA architecture of Nvidia. But if she wants something to edit video or something with Sony Vegas, then the processor is more important, and the eight core Xeon or AMD FX 8350 would be a better option. Personally I would just build an AMD rig for most things, simply because the processors for the socket 2011 on the Intel platform scale at a crazy rate. But it really depends on what you need it to do and what the software is optimized for.

If you have to save money, I would get rid of the liquid cooler, as it is a bit overkill for most people's use. I would probably go with this for a budget-oriented rig:

Also, if you must have Intel:

Obviously with the Intel build you could adjust things like the total amount of RAM or the graphics card to a different option, just know that in rendering applications or GPU accelerated editing operation, the more VRAM you have, the better. So try to stick with more than 3 GB. If you find that everything uses OpenCL or is fine with using any maker of GPU, then AMD is also an excellent option, and you should look at the Radeon 7870 XT, Radeon 7950 and the Radeon 7970, depending on the price point you are concerned about meeting.

Look at the compatible components.

Ooh, Cool. Thanks CaptainPip

Slightly more direct link to what parts you should look for. Anyway, just go grab relevant parts from the Socket 2011 section. Then follow some tutorials.

Her husband wants to run mac to use finalcut, and now they've decided that only want to spend less that 800/700 *facepalm* Im thinking this is more trouble than its worth.

or could I grab one of these when/if they become publicly available?


she want's to use final cut pro i assume, if that is the case she may aswell use adobe premiere, it's much better. then you can actually do them a windows machine that is much more likely to run stable over a hackintosh

vegas has CUDA and opencl.

Im not sure I could convince them, ill have to ask.