Building a server need help

Hi i'm planing to build a server and i have no idea if this motherboard will work with a workstation/server CPU, could you guys let me know if the motherboard supports this CPU and if not please give me some links to one that will, thanks in advance.

Don't listen to GeorgeBush. He is bragging on 4chan about how he already got banned for posting that. Buy whatever you want to buy.

Sorry your thread became like this OP. Some people are just immature.

It looks like the components are compatible:

It's the third from the bottom.

OP have you checked out the Tek review on the new server board w/integrated 8 core cpu.

Upon looking elsewhere at other reviews for it, its quite an amazing piece of gear. Well worth considering I reckon.

Thank you, this is exactly what i was looking for!!!

Thanks, but i have seen this and its gonna cost me more to buy this and im not planning for anything big with the server so ill be fine.