Building a rig for my bro

Hey guys im building a new computer for my bro
Im going to give him my i5 3570k (2 months old) and ill get a new i7 3770k for video rending and stuff...

He is going to be moderate gaming and school work.

Budget would be $800 with the I5 3570k and $900 -$1000 witht eh i7 3770k

Just wondering if any tips here and there to make the build cheaper

CPU: i5 3570k @ Microcenter for $169.99

the i7 3770k @ Microcenter for $269.99

MOBO: AsRock Z77 Extreme 4 LGA 1155 @ Microcenter for $124.99

RAM: G.Skill Rip Jaws X series 16gb (2x8) DDR3 1600 @ Newegg $85.99

HDD: Caviar Black 1TB @ Newegg $109.99

SSD: OCZ Vertex 4 128GB @ Microcenter for $104.99

GPU: HIS HD 7770 1GB DDR5 @ Newegg for $124.99

PSU: Builder Seires CX 500 Watt ATX 12v @ Microcenter for $59.99

Optical: Lite-on Ihas @ Newegg for $15.99

Case: Antec 300 2 ATX mid @ Microcenter for $64.99

Cpu Cooler: Hyper Evo 212 @ Microcenter for $29.99

Paste: Artic Silver 5 @ Microcenter for $7.99


P.S can someone tell me how to link the urls with the text.... 

For a simple gaming PC, everything is fine exept for the Motherboard. Like Gigabite, Asrock is a cheap brand. Had so many people looking for a fix to bios problems or the board just died after 2 years and such. Asrock is Asus's cheap boards. Intel, Asus or EVGA, any of them will do as a better replacement as the board you chose was terrible for expantion. 8gb's max Ram.

Hmm, well could you recommend any other boards that could replace that asrock 

I'm going to have to disagree with the other guy here. It's a good budget board and even if you have some sort of problem I'm pretty sure the board has a pretty long warranty on it so you can use that or just buy and new board in a couple of years which by then may be an alright idea if you want to upgrade to Haswell. Also if it were me building this budget gaming rig I would just drop the SSD completely especially since you've got the caviar black. Only thing its really going to do for you is increase boot time. I have a caviar black and the SSD you are looking at and have tried putting games on the SSD and I honstely could hardly tell the difference in terms of loading times and you aren't going to get any extra performance out of it. Now if you want it has just simply a boot drive just pick up the 60GB version of that SSD and drop a few more bucks on a video card. Also 16GB of ram is a bit over kill. Just get 8GB.

Yea, i have same motherboard on my own rig and the ssd and hdd as well and they work well

this build is basically a dumb down version of mine, and taking out the sdd seems like a good idea since he wouldnt need it i assume


Ive had gigabyte , MSI , ASrock you name it ive had it motherboards, never had any trouble with them. Generally motherboards are very reliable and you get what you pay for.