Looking to build a pc for about 1000 dollars i was thinking about this but im not sure, i also would like some help with picking a good power supply in the 600-650 watt range not completely sold on the ocz one but its modular
I don't know what PSU you can get, I can just tell you: don't cheap out on it. Get a good 80+ silver 650-750 W PSU (modular or nonmodular), and dump the Win7 home premium. I have a 750W silverstone 80+ silver full modular PSU and I never had any problems with it, although I don't live in america, so it cost me about the equavalent of 200$. So yeah...
Everything else looks prettys solid to me, but I would definitely throw an SSD in there too. Just get a cheap 64GB SSD and run it as a cache for your hard drive. That will speed up your computer quite a bit.
Sandy Bridge will overclock higher most of the time and you'll get more performance out of it as a result. Ivy will give you PCI-E 3.0, but that's not really necessary right now.
OCZ makes good SSDs. I have a Vertex 2 in my laptop, and it works great.