Hi, I've decided to build another desktop and return my laptop because it was wayyy too weak.
I've come up with 2 choices
Build #1:
I5 4670k $250
mobo $80
gtx 660 $200
Others: $195
Build #2:
FX 8320 $170
mobo $98
hd 7950 $250
others: $195
(both builds after shipping/taxes are ~$800)
Now if I were to go with build #1, I might just get everything but the 660 and wait for the 9XXX radeon cards to come out, or I can just get it over with and go with build #2.
Is the 4670k a big improvement gaming wise compared to the fx 8320?
I would recommend build #2 now this is kinda of biased just to let you know I personally use an FX 8320 and I can livestream at 720p 60fps while playing all my games maxed out and I won't see a difference as far as I know the see a big difference in performance you need to upgrade your GPU. I would also recommend a 760 it's early in it's life span and it will get new drivers. The 760 is already better than the 7950 but it will become even better with new drivers :p Hopefully this helps and good luck with your build :)
The second build would be much better for gaming. Remember that most games aren't very CPU intensive, so the most important part for gaming is going to be the GPU. That doesn't mean get a really terrible CPU, but something like the FX-8320 would be just fine for gaming. Not to mention that the new consoles coming out are going to have 8-core processors in them as well, so game developers should be starting to utilize more cores soon.
Either build would work, but the AMD build is going to be much better for gaming. You could always wait for new graphics cards to come out for the first build, but you're going to be spending more than $800 for a build that's going to beat the AMD build if you do it that way.